Sunday, March 26, 2006

Down Time

What do we do when we're not flying? The LSA (Logistical Support Area) has a movie theater, library and a recreation tent. There are also two gym's onsite, but no team sports are allowed in our unit...since an injury would disrupt the flight schedule. Therefore, most guys have have set individual fitness goals to take advantage of this year of clean living. The gym holds challenge events to keep us motivated--below, "Team Derka Sherpa" is celebrating a climb to the summit after a three-month aerobic challenge.Vitamins, protien shakes, creatine, tuna and hard boiled eggs are consumed by the gym rats in the company--while weight gain or loss, muscle mass and body fat percentages are used to guage progress. Below, the Pennsylvania guys rejoice after completing the St. Patrick's Day 5K Pub Crawl Race (luckily General Order #1 does not apply to non-alcoholic Irishman).

Volunteerism also consumes the limited free time of some of our soldiers...a few guys have civilian medical experience...and the base hospital welcomes those soldiers willing to lend a helping hand--Nice suture work 1st Sergeant!

Friday, March 17, 2006

The Little Things

Back home on St. Patrick’s Day, green beverages are flowing while our friends take in the opening round of the NCAA Basketball Tournament. In Iraq, we are in the land of no vices, therefore, we look forward to simple pleasures throughout our flying day.

In Tallil, a fuel stop means a run over to the Italian Café, which serves Cappuccinos, Espresso’s and sells fine Cuban cigars. A long layover is preferred, since they also serve the best pizza in Iraq.

In Balad, it is a stop at the Coffee Bean…Kuwait is for Nathan’s Hot Dogs…Mosul is for the JavaHut and a visit to the Post Exchange (PX)…but to get bargains on rugs, jewelry or hand-made clothes, a stop at the Turkish Mall in Q-West is a must.

As you can see, some of our flight engineers have developed a sense of fashion—Egyptian Cotton Shirt, Silk Tie, Wool-Blend Suit—all hand-made by Turkish tailors for a mere $250. What a deal…and very stylish!

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Kuwait Shuttle

Our missions are generated from two separate commands; Combined Forces Land Component Command (CFLCC) located in Kuwait and Multi-National Corps-Iraq (MNC-I) based in Baghdad. CFLCC moves the troops to and from Iraq, runs the supply convoys, unloads the ships, repairs vehicles damaged in Iraq, and conducts combat training for units headed north. Our tasking from CFLCC is to move aircraft parts, which are refered to as AOG parts. AOG is an aviation acronym meaning-- aircraft is on the ground--and urgently needs some sort of maintenance. Therefore, we run our "Kuwait Shuttle" which requires each of us to remain overnight (RON) in Kuwait about once a week. This is one of the few times we fly at high altitudes. Since the C-23 is not pressurized, we rely on bottled oxygen.

The threat is much lower in Kuwait, therefore, the pace seems slower…weapons are not required to be carried, and the latrine/showers are actually located in the same building as your sleeping quarters. Another bonus is that the dayroom has a big-screen satellite TV. Although the Kuwait Shuttle is viewed as our 1-day vacation from operations in Iraq, the remnants of Iraq’s invasion of Kuwait are still visible…check out this aircraft shelter.

MNC-I is the source for the majority of our mission requests. MNC-I is the tactical unit responsible for command and control of operations in Iraq. Currently, MNC-I is headquartered by the U.S. 18th Airborne Corps. Iraq is broken down into 6 major areas of operation. The following units report to MNC-I;
Multi-National Division - Baghdad: MND-Baghdad is also known as Task Force Baghdad. Its major area of responsibility is the city of Baghdad. MND-Baghdad is headquartered by the 4th Infantry Division from Fort Hood, Texas.
Multi-National Division - North: MND-North Central is also known as Task Force Band of Brothers. They are responsible for an area including the cities of Balad, Kirkuk, Tikrit, Mosul, and Samarra,. MND-NC is headquartered by the U.S. 101st Airborne Division from Fort Campbell, KY.
Multi-National Force - West: MNF-W is headquartered by the U.S. II Marine Expeditionary Force. Their area of operations includes the cities of Ar Ramadi and Fallujah.
Multi-National Division - Central South: MND-CS covers an area that includes the cities of Al Kut, Al, Hillah, and Karbala. The Division is Headquartered by the Polish Military.
Multi-National Division - South East: MND-SE operates in the southern most part of the countries including the cities of Basrah, An Nasiriyah, As Samawah, Al Amarah. The Division is headquartered by elements of the British Military.
Logistical Support Area (LSA) Anaconda: LSA Anaconda is currently run by the U.S. 3rd Corps Support Command. 3rd COSCOM is responsible for providing logistic support throughout the theater.

Since our travels take us into the six major areas of operation, we get a chance to take in the sites…here is a palace used by Saddam Hussien.