Tuesday, August 06, 2013

Never Say Never

When I was 25, I repeatedly said...I'm NEVER getting married.  When I was married at 30, I said...I'm NEVER having kids. Then on my last military deployment in 2011, I said...I'm NEVER deploying again...I ate all those words! 

Something I've discovered over the years...My NEVER usually runs counter to God's plan for my life...NEVER evolves into a BLESSING...and that's how I ended up with "My Girls".

So...how could I "retire" from the military and end up with three trips to Afghanistan---the CliffNotes version follows;

In APR 2012, I transferred to the military Inactive Ready Reserve (IRR) and took a job with Dynamic Aviation, a government defense contractor, flying Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (ISR).  That resulted in a couple of short-tours to Kandahar, Afghanistan, which was much more family friendly than 9-12 month military deployments...plus it paid better.
Since I cannot sit around for long and I had time between overseas tours, I started flying the medical helicopter again for a previous employer, Air Evac Lifeteam.  The plan was to do it part-time.
Then in AUG 2012, a buddy calls with a pitch right out of the Blues Brothers movie; "Let's put the band back together".  Translated...that meant why don't you come fly the UH-60L Blackhawk helicopter for an Army Reserve med-evac unit based at Ft. Knox, KY.  The unit was slated for a rotation to Afghanistan in 2013. 
When I went IRR, I was burned out and slightly jaded by the OIF and OEF conflicts.  Plus, having already achieved all my military aviation goals...I thought I was ready.  But this opportunity was something that motivated me...not because I was sold on the war...but because I could use my talents to help someone out on their worst day...a new purpose.  Beautiful Girl, I think you will discover that the happiest and most rewarding times in your life will be the periods where you commit your God-given gifts to serving others.
The federal government budget cuts began in early FY 13, therefore, I was unable to obtain a timely Blackhawk qualification. At that point, the only remaining Army aircraft I was qualified to fly was the C-12 airplane...every other aircraft I had flown in my career had been retired...which means I'm old!  So in APR 2013, I walked into the Ft. Knox fixed-wing hangar and asked if they a had a C-12 slot available...which led to my involvement with Task Force CEASAR.
At that point, I was 90% vested in the 9/11 GI Bill, which was our plan to pay for my daughter's college.  If I deployed another 5-months, the college benefit increases to cover the entire cost of tuition at a state university.  In addition, she would be eligible to attend some private colleges under the "Yellow Ribbon Program".  
Reluctantly, I spent $500 on the dress blue uniform for my promotion packet photo...realizing I would likely only wear it once...next came deployment orders to Afghanistan for 09 JUL 13. 
Since I'm catching up this blog for Christmas 2013...Beautiful Girl, your college is paid...and I'm still a CW4...no regrets!