Sunday, August 21, 2005

The Journey Begins

Last night the tears flowed as my wife and I watched our daughter drift off to sleep. By morning, our lives would be forever changed. We cherished those final moments and silently ended another chapter in our lives...Today begins my preparation for a tour of duty in Iraq.

Welcome to the journey, I hope you enjoy the ride. The road I'll travel begins in Tennessee, with stops in West Virginia and New Jersey, before heading overseas to Kuwait & Iraq...and if all goes well a return to Tennessee. I expect to be apart from my girls for the next 18 months. With any luck, I'll be able to repeat my daughter's bedtime routine at the end of January 2007...I love my girls! You are the center of my universe and the joy in my life.

It was a beautiful drive from the hills of Tennessee, through the horse country of Lexington, Kentucky and then into the rugged terrain of West Virginia. I arrived at FWAATS, which stands for Fixed Wing Army (National Guard) Aviation Training Site. During the drive, I could not help but think that my personal "slate" has never been cleaner. I'm due to begin training in an aircraft I've never flown, assigned to a unit where I don't know anyone and destined for a place I've never been. The only similar period in my life was April 1994 when I got married, relocated and started a new job all in the same week.

But I'm ready for the challenge. I begin this journey with 4,000 flight hours, roughly 2,500 in helicopters and 1,500 in airplanes--I consider that enough flight time to know what not to do. Also, I did spend an afternoon with my new Commander last week, CW4 Greg, who left me with a positive impression as a professional aviator, patriot and guy who will look out for his troops.

Tomorrow I'll officially be on military leave from my civilian employment as a helicopter air ambulance pilot. I will definately miss those moments when my crew and I were able to make a positive impact during a critical moment in someone's life. Keep up the good work!

As I begin this journey I also offer a firm salute to my buds in the TN Guard. I can't believe it has been over 10 years; starting in the AH-1F Cobra, then to the AH-64 Apache, and finally ending up in the was a good run. Wishing my TN brothers the best in Iraq and to the others preparing for Kuwait, Afghanistan and Kosovo. Starting today, I'm assigned as an AGR soldier in the Indiana Army National Guard.

For my girls...I'll carry you with me in my heart...and pray we are worthy of Joshua 1:9;

Be strong and courageous!
Do not be afraid or discouraged.
For God is with you wherever you go.

My beautiful girls, last night, before our farewell bash at the 101st Airborne Restaurant, TN.


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