Saturday, June 10, 2006

Heating Up

The sultry summer days have arrived…the daily temperatures range from 110-120 degrees and will only get warmer. As the ground heats up, thermal currents cause the winds to start gusting. When the winds reach 15-20 knots, dust clouds form and visibility is greatly reduced. By midday, the heat is comparable to opening the door of an oven set on broil, or setting a blow dryer on high and pointing it at your face. Sunglasses, lip balm and sunscreen are essential, while sweat soaked undergarments are the norm. On some days, it is better to stay in your room than venture outside between Noon and 4 PM. The temperatures will hang around 100 degrees until after midnight. At night, the Iraqi’s will actually sleep on the roof of their homes to compensate for the heat.

Although we are past the halfway point in our deployment, we have begun the most challenging portion of our rotation. The routine of the mission, combined with the harsh environment and the knowledge our kids are home on summer break, will make some days of June-July-August seem like a daily grind. The good thing is guys have begun rotating back home for 15-day leaves and those that took leave early will be eligible for a 4-day pass to Qatar. Our goal is to stay focused on that day’s mission and to take one day at a time.


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