Tuesday, August 23, 2011


When we arrive in Entebbe, Uganda we are normally met by Joy, our airport Handler...by chance we discovered her favorite candy is M&M's...she smiles like a kid on Christmas and eats them by the handful...here Joy is receiving a delivery...one bag at a time.
Entebbe sits on the northern shore of Lake Victoria, the largest lake in Africa with a surface area of 26,600 square miles...the only freshwater lake larger is Lake Superior. 

Entebbe Airport is best known as the site the most daring hostage rescue mission ever undertaken.  In 1976, Israeli Special Forces conducted a rescue of a hijacked Air France flight in Operation Thunderbolt...bullet holes are still visible in the old terminal building.

Entebbe Airport is also home to the one of largest United Nations (UN) peacekeeping bases in Africa, suporting efforts in Congo, Sudan and Somalia....while we refuel, a UN aircraft is being loaded with supplies.
Below the Boss enjoys a Beef Kabob at one of our favorite Entebbe restaurants, Faze 3.


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