Monday, December 19, 2005

Taking The Mission

"Relief In Place" is the term used to describe how a departing unit transitions in a replacement unit. The incoming unit's flight instructors and flight engineers receive on-the-job training on how to conduct the mission. They then participate in getting the rest of the new unit trained. This training pyramid allows the existing unit to cycle out--in this case, the process will take about two weeks to complete. Since unit personnel have assigned duties in addition to flying, time is spent with your counterpart from the departing unit, learning how things are done in Iraq.

The living conditions were a pleasant surprise. We are housed in trailers that are divided into 12x12 living spaces. Although small, they can be equipped with all the modern convienences; air conditioning, microwave, refrigerator, cable tv (Armed Forces Network) and satellite internet. Life is good--it reminds me of a college dormitory setting, except that instead of going to class, we go to work in a combat zone.


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