Saturday, February 11, 2006

Time Marches On

The days blend together and time is now referenced by when your name next appears on the flight schedule. A "weather day"--a flight canceled for weather--is viewed as a set back since flying is the focal point of our existence. The day of the week has become irrelevent, except to remember that unit meetings are conducted on Mondays and Fridays at 1700 hours. We are two months "in country"...with many months time is referenced by significant events, "when are you scheduled for leave?" or by seasons "bet you'll miss this rain when it's 120 degrees in a couple months".

Most of us have noticed the duration of our tour is now being felt on the homefront--with the holiday bustle over and winter in full swing stateside--the answer to the question "how's your family holding up" has become more involved. Compared to our families, we are the lucky ones...we have a mission to keep us busy and unit camaradarie to pass the time. Flying is how we make our living, but our familiy and friends sustain us.


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