Thursday, September 01, 2005

A Break In The Weather

After a few days of bad weather, largely due to Hurricane Katrina, we were finally able to get in a couple flights today. This phase of training is dedicated to basic flight manuevers to include takeoffs, landings, steep turns, slow flight, stalls, and single-engine operations. The purpose is to develop proficiency in a larger aircraft and apply the systems knowledge gained in the first week of classroom work. My classmates and I now have just under 5 hours of flight time and we will leave the course with about 40 hours in the aircraft.

We were hoping to combine our training with the hurricane relief efforts taking place in the Gulf of Mexico, but that request has not been approved. I was happy to learn my civilian air ambulance employer dispatched several helicopters to the area on Tuesday--Great Job! In addition, my C-23 unit in the Indiana Guard has been called upon to offer assistance. The guys in my class all feel we should be involved.

I want to take a moment and thank everyone for all the support and encouragement my wife and I have received over the last couple weeks. We never expected the positive response this blog has generated. I am truly grateful to the many people that have taken the time to check-in with my girls. I will continue to provide updates as long as Uncle Sam allows me to blog-on. Have a great holiday weekend and I look forward to seeing my girls in Lexington!

Today's Inspiration: "Sacrifice yourself for a cause other than self-interest to ensure your self respect"---John McCain


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