Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Back On Days

The advice to take R&R as late as possible proved to be a good recommendation. Feeling refreshed...it was easy to fall back into the routine on day shift. After three months in the dark, it was nice to actually see the landscape again. Day shift really means departing before dawn at high altitude and returning late morning at low-level…it is really the best both worlds. In order to beat the heat, I now get up at 1AM to work out before heading to the hangar. After flying, I'll eat a late lunch and then skip dinner to go bed around 5 PM. Flying EMS for the last few years has prepared me well for crazy sleep schedules…although I sometimes feel like I’m back in grade school by going to bed before the sunsets.

There are times I still laugh about getting paid to do this job---where else can you make money watching sunrises, get up close to gas and oil fires, check out mountain top homes and ancient ruins. Life is good when your less than an 4-month Air Force tour from being finished.


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