Thursday, March 17, 2011

Djibouti Animal Refuge

Since both aircraft were in maintenance, we decided to visit the DECAN (Discover and Help Nature) Animal Refuge.  The refuge is a 20-minute drive to the southeast from base.  The trip requires traveling a bumpy, pot-holed road, which is bordered by mounds of trash.  Fortunately, the conditions at the refuge did not mirror the surrounding area.  In 2002, a French vetenarian founded the refuge with the goal of preserving and protecting wildlife, while also educating local Djiboutions on animal conservation.  Wildlife in Djibouti is still vulnerabe to poaching and animal smuggling.

The refuge contains cheetahs, tortoise, ostrich, oryx gazelle, zebras, donkey, lions and hyena...while also providing an opportunity to break-in that new camera :)


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