Friday, September 09, 2005

Check Ride Prep

Training continued this week with a night orientation flight and an opportunity to fly from the right seat. The rest of the flight time was spent in the left seat smoothing out the rough spots and developing proficiency. The challenge is remembering the different flight profiles for each maneuver (power/prop settings, airspeeds, gear and flap configurations), while reciting specific crew coordination call/response commands and continuing to fly the aircraft. The cockpit procedures are similar to what you would observe on a commercial airliner.

Two evaluation flights are required to complete the C-23 course. We are scheduled to complete the first check ride next week. The initial evaluation will focus on visual flight maneuvers, aircraft limitations and emergency procedures. The final check ride will focus on instrument procedures, which are used when flying in the clouds. The class continues to perform ahead of course syllabus requirements. Therefore, we are hopeful the weather holds and we can complete aircraft qualification ahead of schedule. If so, we might be able to squeeze in some extra family time before departing for the mobilization site.


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