Sunday, March 27, 2011

Dirt Golf

With the arrival of Spring, Grandpa John figured we would be experiencing symptoms of golf withdrawel (daydreaming, random swing motions).  So one day a box filled with golf balls and tee's arrived...a perfect remedy for the golfers in the unit. 
After After scrounging some clubs from the hangar and an old piece of carpet, we drove the "gator" to the outskirts of post to work on our swings.

Camp Lemonnier has no driving range, so we had to improvise...after a few swings to get loose and a little trash-talking...the match was on;
The wager was a beverage of choice...the game was "PIG" golf---just like in basketball where you call your shot.  Before each shot, the verbage would be something like; "see that solar panel straight ahead...if you move to the left, there is a bush by itself...just to the right of that bush is a pile of wood...closest to the wood pile with a 9-iron"
There is your Champion...until next time!


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