Sunday, September 18, 2005

Brownie Troop Adpotee

This weekend I received a stack of colored pictures from the girls of the Cumberland Valley Brownie Troop. I am honored to be the soldier selected for their Adopt-A-Soldier campaign. Thank you for the beautiful pictures, prayers and words of encouragement. You girls are a special bunch! I will be looking forward to hearing from you over the next year and keeping up with all of your projects.

We completed the first evaluation flight last week and the course will now focus on instrument flying using the onboard Flight Management System (FMS). Our FMS orientation flight was on Friday. Afterwards, my classmates and I headed for our respective homes. In my case, one day with the family is worth 17 hours of driving. Our family day was spent on the General Jackson Showboat, where we had lunch, took in a show and ran around the boat—we had a blast.

Our children are watching us live, and what we ARE shouts louder than anything we can say. --Wilferd A. Peterson


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