Thursday, October 06, 2005

Arrival At Indiana Guard

The last week was spent being fitted for equipment, finalizing paperwork and getting to know the guys in my new unit. It was almost like Christmas when the unit was issued new flight helmets, ballistic vests, chemical masks, high-altitude oxygen masks and survival vests. In addition, we received a complete TA-50 issue, which is an acronym for Field Clothing & Equipment. The challenge was to organize 300+ pounds of gear into 3 duffel bags and two personal storage crates...this is what will sustain us for the next 12-18 months.

Randy and I also completed an initial unit-level flight evaluation referred to as a "Commanders Eval". The evaluation was conducted by an Indiana C-23 Instructor Pilot who had just returned from Iraq. We were able to combine the evaluation with a two-day mission to retrieve equipment used in support of hurricane relief. The first day we flew into Alexandria, Louisiana and dropped off personnel who were tasked with traveling to Fort Polk to make the pick up. Due to a lack of lodging in the Gulf Coast area, the flight crew continued on to Little Rock, Arkansas to spend the night. We made time for dinner at Bosco's before heading out the next morning for a reversed route back to Indianapolis.

The plan is to meet up with the C-23 units from Rhode Island and Pennsylvania early next week in New Jersey.


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